What is a Slot?
A slot is a small depression or aperture, often narrow, for receiving something. The word comes from the Old French sl?? (meaning hollow), and the English word sleuth (meaning sleuth). The term “slot” is also used to describe a bloodhound following a wounded deer. Although the meaning of slot varies, the word has been used since the late fourteenth century. Regardless of the origin, it is now used to describe slot machines.
In hockey, the slot represents the space with the highest chance of scoring a goal without deflection. When a player takes a slap shot from the slot, they often have a clear view of the net. A goalie must be able to react lightning-fast to a slap shot. A well-placed one-timer from the high slot is one of the most iconic shots in the game. It is also one of the most difficult shots to block.
In the United States, the laws about slot machines are incredibly diverse. Some states have banned slot machines altogether, while others have fewer restrictions. The Gambling Act 2005 and the Gambling Commission’s definitions govern their use. While many states don’t allow slot machines at restaurants or bars, others allow them in special gambling zones. A recent 60 Minutes report focused on the connection between slot machines and gambling addiction. However, the debate is far from settled.
The term “slot” is also used to refer to a location for a computer processor. Initially, this feature was created to make the process of upgrading a processor easier. In 1997, Intel released the original slot. In 1999, AMD followed suit. However, these two versions are incompatible with each other. Intel later released the second version of the slot, the larger Slot 2, which was used with Pentium II processors. Today, computers without slots use sockets for memory and other hardware.