Slots in C++
A slot is a narrow opening. It is used for receiving or sending signals. Slots can be invoked by other components, as well as directly by the user. If called directly, slots follow normal C++ rules.
For example, a QScrollBar valueChanged signal can be connected to the slot to display a number on the screen. The QObject::connect() method uses the SLOT and SIGNAL macros to make it possible. When connecting a signal, Qt will select the appropriate version of display().
In a real slot machine, symbols are programmed to weight differently. This enables each symbol to have a different probability of winning. There are usually a few dozen combinations, depending on the theme of the game.
An important statistic in most slot machines is the return to player. Most players do not win anything. That statistic isn’t the only one of interest.
A slot receiver is an effective catch and run playmaker. They can run slants and even go inward. Having one or two receivers on the field at once makes the game a lot more exciting.
A low slot is the area between face-off circles in an offensive zone. Taking a shot from this area can allow a defenseman to shoot with a clear view of the net.
A high slot is the area above the face-off circles. Taking a shot from this area is also a good idea.
One of the best shots in hockey is the well-placed one-timer from a high slot. A well-timed slap shot can rip the puck into the net.